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Vraag & antwoord

Creatine Monohydraat 600g
Combineren natural fat control met creatine en whey
Creatine Monohydraat 600g
Klant vraag:
Kan ik de natural fat control combineren met jullie creatine en whey-poeder?..
Natural Fat Control kan gecombineerd worden met creatine.

Wanneer je NFC tegelijk inneemt met whey is er kans dat de opname van de polyfenolen iets minder goed is. Hier is nog onduidelijkheid over.

Eiwitten uit melk kunnen binden aan de polyfenolen, maar het is de vraag of dit een invloed heeft op de effectiviteit. Er zijn aanwijzingen dat er uiteindelijk geen negatief effect is. Zie bijvoorbeeld deze studie:

Effect of milk and brewing method on black tea catechin bioaccessibility.

The aim of this study was to investigate whether milk reduces the bioaccessibility of tea catechins, which would compromise tea beneficial effects ascribed to polyphenols. Adding milk to black tea has been shown to lead to polyphenol-protein complexes. So far, data on the intestinal stability of polyphenol-protein complexes are scarce. English black tea (0.93 ± 0.06 mol/L total catechins) and Indian black tea (1.83 ± 0.08 mol/L catechins) were prepared with skimmed or full-fat milk and subjected to simulated gastric, small intestinal, and brush border digestion. Adding milk (5.6-40%) to tea results in a decrease of total catechin (TCAT) recovery. However, the bioaccessibilities of TCAT of tea with milk versus tea controls were comparable (p > 0.05). The type of milk did not influence TCAT recovery during all digestive stages (p > 0.05). Polyphenol-protein complexes are degraded during digestion. It is very unlikely that consumption of tea with or without milk will result in differences in catechin plasma concentration.
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